Teens Bent Galleries
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Bridge Pose:Bridge, Boardwalk, Ramp, Overpass, Whale(Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your arms down alongside your body, tuck your chin into your chest, and lift up your buttocks and back to create a bridge.)
Dancing Ganesha:Dancer, Ganesha(From Tree Pose, release your right foot and take it out in front of you, with a bent right knee. Bring your hands out in front of you and hold your hands like the trunk of Ganesha, the elephant god.)
Eagle Pose:Eagle, Koala(Stand tall in Mountain Pose, wrap one leg around the other, bring your bent arms out in front of you, wrap your arms together the opposite way, and slightly bend your knees. Perch on a tree like an eagle.)
Half Shoulder Stand:Candle, Giraffe, Bat(Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, arms resting alongside your body, and chin tucked in. On an exhale, push your palms down and lift your legs straight up, making an L shape with your body. Stay in this position or squeeze your belly and raise your hips. Then, bend your elbows and place your palms on your lower back for a half shoulder stand. Pretend your feet are the flickering flames and your legs are the candlesticks.)
Plank Pose:Surfboard, Bridge, Ramp, Plank, Lizard, Alligator, Crocodile, Gecko, River(Step back to balance on your palms and on your bent toes, keeping your arms straight and your back long and flat. Pretend to be an alligator floating in the water.)
Tortoise Pose:Turtle, Clam, Bug(Sit on your buttocks with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Then take your feet out wide and be sure you are sitting with a tall, straight spine. Slide your arms under your knees and place your hands flat on the floor outside your legs. Bend forward, keeping your back and neck straight.)
Triangle Forward BendWildebeest, Zebra, Reindeer, Pyramid(From Mountain Pose, take your right foot back, keeping your ankle bent at a 30 degree angle. Place your hands on your hips, ensuring that your back is flat and that you are looking straight ahead. Then slowly bend forward as if your hips are a hinge, keeping a flat back and a long neck. Lastly, bring your hands to your shins, ankles, or the ground, depending on what feels comfortable, all the while checking that your spine is straight.)
Last week, TEFAF, The European Fine Arts Fair, opened its 36th edition in the quaint Dutch town of Maastrict. Just like any art fair, it was filled with celebrity shoppers, representatives of the top museums and galleries, and filled with thousands of artworks. 781b155fdc